Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Substance P and Fibromyalgia

I suspect this is pertinent and we should all read up on this one. I will post this on my favorite link section also. but I stumbled upon the info that substance P is lacking in the skin of a mole rat who lives in tunnels underground in Africa, and therefore can't feel any pain. Hmmmm..... what if there was too MUCH substance P? And sure enough, a google search reveals much data on this and fibromyalgia sufferers. What came to mind is my brother Brian, who for his entire life has alway had heightened sensitivity to pain; but also my recent stroke client, and also Tracy, and myself, and Bob's lupus side affects which mimic chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia .... and I see there is stuff about sleep interuption in here... This link is just one, I expect I will be finding more that is pertinent on this as I keep researching.

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