Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sick child

My youngest has had a cough with fever spiking on and off over the last couple days. We went in for a doctor visit and concluded this is probably turning into bronchitis so we have started antibiotics. She informed me that chlorithromycine tastes really terrible. The dr. likes it because it has 2 doses a day over 7 days and is similar to zithromycine except with that more complete coverage. Clearly he doesn't have to swallow it. I'm so thankful I live with my kids in this century, I wonder how mothers endured watching their kids sicken with so little intervention in the past. Although I do wish I had better herbal knowledge and enough attention span to apply some natural remedies.
We've canceled all our engagements this week so far. I think I'm bound to go collapse now myself. I have been wrapping up data entry, budgeting, bill paying, homeschooling reports, and now I am hoping that the dust will settle and I'll feel caught up and happy for a day or two; despite the dog hair and dirt that magically continues to accumulate on the floors. Of course, give me a space of a minute and I can name a large project that is looming out there waiting for my attention *** got one - how about Dad's birthday gift that needs to be mailed and their late Christmas present which is far overdue, which has to have photos gathered to be loaded onto their digital frame!? After Tracy's example I was thinking about Picasa for that but have to investigate it.

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